This fabulous client wishes to remain anonymous, so I cannot show you her beautiful face. But trust me when I tell you that she is the picture of grace and beauty and her man is a very lucky guy. They chose to use some of these boudoir images as wall art for the master bedroom or master bath in their home. I always make sure that I capture very pretty photos of a woman’s face; but then I also make sure that I capture some bodyscape shots that would work as stunning art to adorn your walls in your very own personal boudoir (woman’s bedroom in french). I always tell gals: Be your own inspiration. If you put some of your own boudoir photos in front of you, you will always be inspired to work at attaining your current fitness and health levels, and you will also be encouraged and reminded that you are gorgeous just the way you are. Part of what I do is capturing your beauty; part of what I do is encouraging your soul to accept that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Huge shout out to Ms.G for allowing me to use these lovely boudoir photos online. If you know her personally, I am sure you will see a few of her amazing pics decorating her personal space. Consider yourself as fine art ladies! You are a creation of wonder, let’s document that!!
To book your very own private boudoir photography session, Contact Us Here!
Valentine’s is really right around the corner and there is no time to waste if you are hoping to book a fun boudoir photography session at the studio! Give him a gift that he can open again and again, and give your self a huge self esteem boost that will make you even sexier!!
Spots are limited for a Valentine’s Gift deadline, so schedule your boudoir photography session now!