Tag: Glamor Photographer Pickerington Ohio
The perfect Mother’s Day gift | Columbus Glamor Photography

She planned for you long before you even arrived on planet earth, and she dreamed of how beautiful and perfect that you would be. She proudly showed you off to the world, and cared for your every need. She was your biggest fan, your nurturer, your chauffeur, your chef, your maid, your teacher. She forgave all your mistakes, and sat in the front row at every concert and attended your sports events. She smiled at you the way no one else has ever smiled at you. She sacrificed financially so that you could enroll in certain things and get ahead in your education. You are one of her finest and proudest achievements and she still loves to show you off as often as she can……
Now that you are a grown woman and busy with your own life she sees you less, and all the photos that she has of you are even more valuable to her…..
Perhaps treating her to a makeover and a glamorous photo shoot with you would be the perfect way to make her smile this month.
Let my make up artist give her a fresh new look, and let me pose her to show off her best assets and hide what she does not like about herself; so that we can create a family heirloom for you to hand down to your children and your grand children.
Nothing says “I love you, Mom” like a beautiful portrait of you with her.
To book your Mother and Daughter Glamor Photography session Contact Us Here
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! | Columbus Boudoir Photographer
Sneak peak from today’s edit! While I am not one to believe in the “luck of the Irish”, I do know that I have the blessing of God!! Thankful for wonderful clients, a pretty studio and a wonderful husband! Getting our “green” on for this weekend though!! Happy St. Patrick’s Day, whatever you are up to!!
To book your own personal glamor or boudoir photography session Contact Us Here!
Mom is Sexy! | Columbus Boudoir Photographer
This amazing gal was a gem to work with! Her love story with her high school sweetheart was a blessing to me in an era filled with divorce. She inspired me with the fact that she works out with her man and that the kids could not pull one over on them because they are a formidable team. Yes I said kids…..this sexy chick is the mother of two and holds down a full time job and carves out time for her hubby. I stand and applaud her fearless and fabulous attitude! Thank you Mrs. S for sharing so freely with me. It has been an absolute PLEASURE to get to know you and I am excited to work with you again on another project that you have envisioned!

To book your very own glamor or boudoir photography session Contact Us Here
New App for your Smart Phone! | Boudoir Photographer Columbus Ohio
How cool is this!! Get all of the images that you purchase on a personal app on your smartphone!! Password protected and viewable offline. What a great bonus gift on all images purchased from Feb through March!
To book your very own glamor or boudoir photography session Contact Us Here
Beautiful Woman’s Brave Story | Columbus Glamor Photographer

I do not normally share other people’s stories on this website, but this is truly worth posting!! You are beautiful RIGHT NOW, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!

‘The Light That Shines’ a story for all from InBedWithSue.com on Vimeo.
To book your own personal glamor or boudoir photography session, Contact Us Here.
What To Wear | Boudoir Photographer Columbus Ohio
Choosing the right things to wear can make your boudoir session amazing. So I have put together these helpful boards to guide you as you shop and gather intimate apparel and sexy little things. There are so many great ideas and fabulous outfits. Have fun shopping! Isn’t it great to be a girl!! Check out our Pinterest Boards for outfits to suit your body!
To book your own personal glamor or boudoir photography session Contact Us Here
Say “I Love You” with a Boudoir Album | Columbus Boudoir Photographer

These are Mrs. C’s spreads on her gorgeous leather bound album! An album is a fabulous way to get many images from your shoot if you are having trouble just choosing a few. And it can be a nice private black book that is “for his eyes only”. Something to enjoy now, and in the days and years to come! You are working hard on keeping that beautiful figure…..make sure you make a record of how you look now!
To book your own personal glamor or boudoir photography session Contact Us Here
Be His Va Va Valentine! | Columbus Boudoir Photographer
To book your own personal boudoir photography session Contact Us Here
One Sexy Lady | Boudoir Photographer Columbus Ohio