We are seeing a ton of excited brides this time of year and we share in their joy as they work to create a lasting gift of true delight for their fiances. I love hearing all about their wedding plans and enjoy giving away nuggets of knowledge and tips from my own experiences in the wedding industry. I am thrilled with the amazing outfits that these gals are bringing in to model for their boudoir photography, and I gasp as I see some of these pretty, pretty things. It really is an honor to capture these gals in this time in their lives, and I know that they will ALWAYS look back on these images and know that they are truly beautiful!! To the many brides that have been in the studio this month…….Thank You for giving me the chance to be your boudoir photographer…..it has been so much fun!!
To book your very own boudoir photography session Contact Us Here!
Just had to share this image of a shoot we just completed since she volunteered a model release and she is so gorgeous! We are busy at the studio but not everyone is comfortable with an image online. Thanks bunches Ms. L for letting us share a little of the magic we created with you!
To book your very own glamor or boudoir photography session Contact Us Here!
She planned for you long before you even arrived on planet earth, and she dreamed of how beautiful and perfect that you would be. She proudly showed you off to the world, and cared for your every need. She was your biggest fan, your nurturer, your chauffeur, your chef, your maid, your teacher. She forgave all your mistakes, and sat in the front row at every concert and attended your sports events. She smiled at you the way no one else has ever smiled at you. She sacrificed financially so that you could enroll in certain things and get ahead in your education. You are one of her finest and proudest achievements and she still loves to show you off as often as she can……
Now that you are a grown woman and busy with your own life she sees you less, and all the photos that she has of you are even more valuable to her…..
Perhaps treating her to a makeover and a glamorous photo shoot with you would be the perfect way to make her smile this month.
Let my make up artist give her a fresh new look, and let me pose her to show off her best assets and hide what she does not like about herself; so that we can create a family heirloom for you to hand down to your children and your grand children.
Nothing says “I love you, Mom” like a beautiful portrait of you with her.
To book your Mother and Daughter Glamor Photography session Contact Us Here
This delightful gal came in for a very fun boudoir photography session with her extremely supportive girl friend an we captured her beauty so that she has an unexpected gift of sexy boudoir images for her man on the day of her wedding. We did use her fiance’s work shirt as part of the shoot and those were some of the favorites but they will remain private because they proudly display his name embroidered on them. lol
She was very hesitant to do this but her girl friend pushed her to do it and she was so glad she did. I wish I could show off how beautiful that her lovely face is…..she was stunning. But she wished to keep her images anonymous and we always respect that desire. Isn’t she hot stuff!!
To book your very own private Boudoir Photography Session Contact Us Here
Create Your Dream ShootLearn all the details to prepare for your Boudoir Session
This FREE Dream Shoot Planner has everything you need to know about your boudoir session so you can make your session perfect!