Sexy photos for Christmas

Flirty sexy photo of redhead

A boudoir session is something you should do for YOU – sexy photos are a fabulous way to celebrate your femininity and a fantastic way to boost your own self esteem. Are you struggling to see your own beauty, are you battling an eating disorder, are you going through a loss or a heart wrenching divorce? While a session with me won’t solve all of your problems, it is my passion to help you by capturing your beauty and giving you a lovely day of pampering and an amazing experience in your photo session. And of course to create sexy photos that you will be gushing over for years to come.

Sexy photo of woman in front of window

Sexy photo of a gal in white bra and panty standing against a wall

Sexy photo of woman in lingerie

As women, we tend to put everyone else in the family first and we are often on the other side of the camera. And usually, the photos that are taken of us are not on our best hair and make up days – when we don’t have the best outfit on and the light is not flattering. You deserve to have a supermodel session where you are completely coached on how to pose and what facial expressions are good for you, where the light is good and the makeup and hair are done by a professional.

It is always fun to do a session so that you can gift sexy photos to that someone special in your life, and even shock them a bit if this is completely out of your comfort zone and not normally something that they would expect from you(I hear that a ton). BUT, your number one reason to book a session with me should be because you are taking care of you. The surprise gift for someone else is the cherry on top of the sundae… but all that creamy goodness and sweet syrup is for YOU.

Maybe your partner doesn’t know what to get you for the holidays this year. A session with me at my studio in Pickerington is always the correct size, and it is a great excuse for all the extra pampering that goes on before the session(manicure, hair color, facial) along with shopping for a new little something sexy to model. Let your lover know that you want to have a gift certificate for sexy photos this year from Santa. The outcome will leave you both delighted!

Sexy photo of redhead

Sexy photo of a woman daydreaming

Sexy photo of woman in a boudoir

Boudoir photo of woman in sensual pose

Black and white boudoir picture

Sexy photo

A huge shout out to this foxy vixen for allowing me to share her stunning images. She did this session ONLY for herself. She has adult kids and wanted to do something to celebrate coming through some really tough things like a queen. She is AHMAZING, and I was blown away by her amazing spirit. It is always such an honor to capture the beauty of so many strong and bold women!

To book your very own Sexy Photo session, or to purchase a session for someone you want to pamper – Contact us by filling out the form below!

Beautiful picture of woman in bedroom

Fun boudoir picture of gal in sporty socks

Sultry boudoir picture

Sexy boudoir photo

White sheet boudoir photo, sexy picture

Teasing sexy photo of gal on bed

Beautiful sexy photo of woman on a bed

We’d love to talk to you!

Ready to book your glamour or boudoir session? You’ve made a decision you won’t regret, and you are a step closer to a session and images that you will love for a lifetime.

Reach out today!

647 Hill Road Pickerington, OH
(614) 745-4710