Gorgeous boudoir photos in Columbus Ohio

Boudoir photos would make a nice gift, she thought. So she did a google search and found us. She came into the studio a bit nervous, and she worried about how the images would look. After all, she wasn’t 20 years old anymore she told herself.  And being a mom and working full time had not left her with a ton of time to indulge in self care. But somehow she knew that this could be good for her, and it would certainly make her hubby happy to have gorgeous boudoir photos of her on his phone for him to enjoy wherever he was.

boudoir photo, woman smiling

boudoir photos of gorgeous black lady

boudoir photos, sexy lady on a bed, sexy photo

boudoir photos, sexy booty photo of a black woman

Of course her session was fun and easy, and she quickly settled into the fabulous pampering makeup that my artist did for her. Then the entire photography session was coached and all the posing was done for her by me. She left with a big smile on her face that reflected her bolstered self esteem. And then she came back a few weeks later to see her boudoir photos. She was not sure what to expect.  Self doubt was at it again, telling her she probably would not like her images. She was overwhelmed at how much that she actually loved her boudoir photos, and the look on her face was pure radiance. She realized that although these sexy pictures were going to make an awesome present for her man, the real gift was the investment that she had just made in her own self confidence and self esteem. She left her viewing appointment on a high.

You see, boudoir photos are not about seducing men – they are about embracing womanhood. They are all about accepting yourself, and loving yourself. They are about shutting down the self hate in your head, so that you can see the beauty that those around you already know is there.

Thanks to Mrs. D for kindly allowing me to share her beautiful boudoir photos here!  You rocked it babe!! I was so honored to have you in my studio!

sexy boudoir photos in Columbus Ohio studio

enticing boudoir photo, implied nude

Happy woman in white sheets, boudoir photos

military theme boudoir photo

America proud boudoir photo with flag scarf

booty boudoir photo

boudoir photo of black woman lying on bed

We’d love to talk to you!

Ready to book your glamour or boudoir session? You’ve made a decision you won’t regret, and you are a step closer to a session and images that you will love for a lifetime.

Reach out today!

647 Hill Road Pickerington, OH
(614) 745-4710